Business to Business Lead Generation

There is a German word called “die Königsdisziplin” and it has nothing to do with discipline rather it means the most difficult project possible. Business to Business, Lead Generation is it’s the “Königsdisziplin” of digital marketing.

What makes it so difficult is that almost all algorithms (be they Google’s core search Algorithm, YouTubes, Bing’s, Facebook’s or Twitter’s) are that they are written for the consumer or Business to Consumer (B2C) traffic. This makes sense as the bulk of all web traffic – is consumer traffic. So the platforms are set up perfectly for you to sell new shoes to consumers with tired feet. If you are selling Human Resource software – not so much.

The difficulty faced is to understand how these algorithms work, and then work with and around them. Simple – but not easy. 

The starting point for much of this work starts with Search Engine Advertising. Search Engine Optimisation also plays a role but typically this comes later.

Google launched a beta product a few years ago to help with Business to business targeting allowing for interest, intention, and classification targeting. A welcome if long overdue addition to its Ads platform.

When one conversion can deliver €30,000 of turnover as opposed to an extra pair of shoes sold the value of Business to Business, Lead Generation is simple to see – but not easy to get.