A long time ago in a country far, far away a colleague once said “the best way to good Search Engine Optimisation is good Search Engine Advertising”. It was true then in 2007 and it is true today. Simply put it is one of the best tools in a digital marketers toolbox and definitely the fastest and most flexible in the Search landscape.
At Node Digital like it for many reasons as it offers:
i) Relevance – we select the Keywords that the ads will show for and can exclude irrelevant keywords.
ii) Range – we select the countries, regions, cities even suburbs and quarters where your ads will be seen and we can exclude where you don’t want to appear.
iii) Return on Investment – you only get charged for the ads that actually get clicked on. A lot of clients don’t full understand this. It’s a bit like taking a full page ad in a magazine but only paying if people actually read the ad and visit your website. If they just read your ad there is no charge!
iv) It’s fast – we can have new ads live in a matter of minutes. Turn ads on and off at the click of a mouse. Nothing beats Search Engine Advertising for speed and flexibility.
On top of these core features and benefits Search Engine Advertising also allows for:
Continuous testing – a vital tool in any rapidly changing business environment.
Remarketing or re-starting a conversation with people who have already visited your website with a specific message or offer.
Interested in finding out more about how digital advertising can help your business? Contact us today.